Heading Home recently went down to the Y on the 1st Monday of November. We had pizza, tacos and drinks for our brothers and sisters. We also handed out some new sleeping bags and needed supplies. It was a great time, and we had a chance to connect with some old friends and new ones. Although it looked like rain in the forecast God blessed us with a beautiful day. November is the month when we celebrate Thanksgiving. Let us all be thankful for all the gifts God has bestowed upon us. Happy Thanksgiving!
The first Monday in December we are planning to bring lunch and more sleeping bags and blankets. There will also be hand wrapped Christmas gifts for our brothers and sisters. It's important in this season that our brothers and sisters know that they are not alone and that they are loved. If the Lord should lead you to become involved in any way with this effort, please feel free to contact us.
God bless all of you and enjoy the Lord's birth. Merry Christmas! Christ is born.